Meryl Theng

Meryl Theng

PhD Candidate

University of Adelaide


Hello, I’m Meryl, a final-year PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide, Australia. I specialise in quantitative methods and tools including statistics, simulations, and spatial analyses to answer questions about underlying processes. My current research is focused on wildlife monitoring methods and its intersection with movement ecology.

I’m looking for a post-doctoral position in Quantitative Ecology starting 2023. Otherwise, I’m always open to learning from others and to opportunities where I can provide value. Please feel free to reach out if you’re interested to connect!

Interests: Quantitative ecology, Modelling & simulations, Population dynamics, Movement ecology, Spatial ecology, Wildlife monitoring, Wildlife conservation & management, Camera traps


(2022). Confronting spatial capture–recapture models with realistic animal movement simulations. Ecology.


(2020). A comprehensive assessment of diversity loss in a well-documented tropical insect fauna. Biol Cons.


(2018). Exploring saiga horn consumption in Singapore. Oryx.


(2017). Phylogeography of the smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata): distinct evolutionary lineages and hybridization with the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus). Sci Rep.



R (advanced)

Statistics, simulations, spatial, data manipulation, RMarkdown


Maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, bootstrapping, Latin hypercube sampling, etc.

Modelling & simulations

Hierachical models, spatial capture-recapture, distance sampling, occupancy, movement models, hidden Markov models, sensititivy analysis, boosted regression trees, species distribution models, etc.


QGIS, ArcGIS, R, spatial metrics, remote sensing, batch processing

Other languages

Shell script, Markdown, Python (basic)

High Performance Computing

Parallel processing


Git, Github